The project

The client needed a company profile deck to present during a series of quick meetings with potential investors. A conventional introduction (purpose, mission, vision, etc.) is followed by clear differentiators (best sellers, events & webinars, and social responsibility).

The memorable layouts, clean photography, and unique typography contribute to the story as much as the casual tone of voice.

Color palette





Beautiful skin starts here. From cult-fave treatment lotions to targeted serums and high-performance moisturizers. All handpicked and mailed to your door.

⸺About Larana Inc.

01. Intro Slides

Larana Company Presentation Slide 1

01. Cover Slide

Larana Company Presentation Slide 3

03. Company Purpose

Larana Company Presentation Slide 5

05. Company Mission

Larana Company Presentation Slide 2

02. About Slide

Larana Company Presentation Slide 4

04. Company Vision

02. Product and Differentiators

Larana Company Presentation Slide 6

06. Why Us? Company Differentiators

Larana Company Presentation Slide 8

08. Differentiator #2

Larana Company Presentation Slide 10

10. How It Works

Larana Company Presentation Slide 12

12. Best Seller #2

Larana Company Presentation Slide 7

07. Differentiator #1

Larana Company Presentation Slide 9

09. Differentiator #3

Larana Company Presentation Slide 11

11. Best Seller #1

Larana Company Presentation Slide 13

13. Best Seller #3

03. Other Slides

Larana Company Presentation Slide 14

14. Virtual Q&A

Larana Company Presentation Slide 16

16. Media & Press

Larana Company Presentation Slide 18

18. Careers

Larana Company Presentation Slide 15

15. Events & Webinars

Larana Company Presentation Slide 17

17. Corporate Social Responsibility

Larana Company Presentation Slide 19

19. Contact Us